Our Message

oh4m means “optimal health for me”
We believe in physical, mental, and social
health for every student.

Balancing physical, mental & social well-being for holistic, healthy relationships.

Students will build a foundation of knowledge and skills related to character development, human development, and decision-making; set goals for the future; make healthy choices that impact the future; and move toward optimal health by avoiding risk behavior.

I liked the talk, it was really informative.  It let me know to be careful and not have sex/get pregnant young.

— high school freshman —

The Curriculum

Presented is a medically accurate, fact-based sexual risk avoidance (SRA) education program based on the definition of optimal health.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions,
we encourage you to speak to your parents first.
We will always be open and honest with you
providing facts to your questions.

Casual sexual encounters, such as “hook-ups,” can have unexpected consequences beyond the usual ones of exposure to sexually transmitted infections and possible pregnancy. Normal bonding responses in the brain can be damaged with continued casual sexual encounters, as the brain “molds” to the behavior of repeated “hook-ups” and “break-ups”.
– Medical Institute for Sexual Health
86% of young adults say it’s important for young teens to know that “it’s okay to be a virgin when you graduate from high school.”
– Medical Institute for Sexual Health
According to the CDC, the most reliable way to avoid (STD) infection is to not have sex (i.e., anal, vaginal or oral sex).
– Centers for Disease Control
You may think EVERYONE is doing it, but they’re not!  The CDC’s most recent Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) shows that the percentage of 9th through 12th grade students in public and private schools throughout the U.S. who have ever had sexual intercourse is 38.4%.  Conversely, that’s 61.6% of high school students NOT having sex.
Centers for Disease Control 
There are different kinds of birth control and have various degrees of effectiveness.  If you absolutely want to avoid a pregnancy, avoid sex.  If you are having sex, you should be going for regular check-ups with a health care provider and should seek their advice.
Frequently asked questions about sex and abstinence

Do you have questions or want additional information?

Get in Touch

Parental Guidance

We believe that parents play the most important role in giving information to their child about sex!  When adolescents have a good relationship with their parents, they are more likely to remain abstinent or delay the onset of sexual activity.  Most parents want their teens to avoid all the possible consequences of sex…not just pregnancy.  If your student is enrolled in a class offering oh4m, rest assured standards from the TN Department of Education for classroom teachers are supported and comply completely with state laws.  And the benefits of an SRA education program are proven:  there are more than 25 peer-reviewed studies showing that students in SRA classes are more likely to delay initiation of sexual activity and, if already sexually active, are more likely to discontinue or decrease sexual activity…and SRA students are not less likely to use a condom.

BELIEVE that your teenager can wait…and ENCOURAGE them to wait!  This subject is too important to be restricted to a single conversation.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

— George Orwell —

Our Story


oh4m is a program that encourages students towards holistic, healthy relationships. Founded as Asitia in 1999 by Portico, Murfreesboro's local nonprofit pregnancy and family resource center, this program has sought to bring a medically-based, accu The goal has always been to encourage students of all backgrounds that they can live their best life by surrounding themselves with healthy relationships and saving sexual activity for a long-term, monogamous, committed relationship like marriage. In 2018, Asitia rebranded to Optimal Health for Me or oh4m and we have expanded throughout Rutherford and Cannon County. We are certified through ASCEND, a national sexual risk avoidance (SRA) education organization promoting abstinence among teenagers. Our curriculum is made in-house with input from educators, medical professionals, and students following Tennessee state law and standards regarding Family Life Curriculum according to T.C.A. 49-6-1301 thru 1308.

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Murfreesboro, TN

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